Live in Your Full Hotness & Magic
Live in Your Full Hotness & Magic 〰️
Hot, Magical & Human is a space dedicated to living in your full expression and creating the life, dreams and impact you desire. It’s the journey through the sexy and messy parts of life. We get a little spicy sometimes, explore ways to grow personally and professionally and tend to our precious hearts. I hope you walk away from each episode feeling a little more connected, energized and excited for your magical journey.
Be A Guest
Be A Guest
Do you have a great mission and story to share? Did you bring your ideas and passions into the world?
I am looking for any combination of a good hero’s’ journey stories, people living on purpose, have gone through IT 🙃, own their voice and expressions, live a rich abundance life, live their truth or at least are on the road to get there and are willing to share their journeys, tools and wisdom with others so they can also learn and grow too. I believe this is how we expand as a community, by sharing and creating relatable paths for inspiration. I believe magnetism (aka abundance attraction) comes from living in your full hotness, authenticity and radiance and the stories to get there are the most interesting. If this speaks to you, let me know and we can set up a chat to see if you’re a fit.